what is excipient in pharma


excipient mean a substance, other than the active ingredient, which has been appropriately evaluated for safety and is included in a drug delivery system to

Following are the application of excipient :

-aid in the processing of the drug delivery system during its manufacture;

-protect, support or enhance stability, bioavailability, or patient acceptability;

-assist in product identification; or enhance any other attribute of the overall safety and effectiveness of the drug during storage or use.

- Following the different types of example in pharma:
-Glidant, anticaking
-Acidifying/alkalizing agent
-Emulsifying/solubilizing/wetting agent
-Aerosol propellant
- Antimicrobial preservatives
-Tonicity agent
-Stiffening agent
-Ointment/suppository base
-Buffering agent
-Suspending/viscosity-increasing agent
-Bulking agent (freeze-drying)
-Sweetening agent
-Coloring, flavour, perfume
-Chelating/sequestering agent
-Coating agent

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