Ascending chromatography: Definition , Principle and Procedure

Ascending chromatography is a chromatography technique in which the mobile phase runs in an upward direction. 
Descending chromatography is also one type of chromatography. 
Paper chromatography and the thin layer chromatography are the process in which the Ascending technique is used.

In ascending, chromatography mobile phase moves in upward direction opposite to the gravity by the capillary action, and the separation of the analyte partition or adsorption principle is used.

Procedure :
-To perform the Ascending chromatography Adsorption filter paper/TLC plate, solvent as mobile phase, glass chamber with lid or beaker with lead, fine capillary for spotting is required.

-Pour the required quantity of mobile phase in the chamber or the Beaker.
TLC plate or the adsorption paper with required dimension used as the stationary phase.

-Using the syringe or glass capillary, spotting of the mixture of the analyte is a place on the stationary phase at the marked place.
-Place the stationary phase into the chamber or the beaker keeps the lid.

-The spot of the mixture of analyte should not be immersed in the Mobile Phase.
The mobile phase in ascending chromatography moves downward to the upward direction.

-The spot with a mixture of analyte travel through the mobile phase and separation of the analyte is observed on the paper in the form of a spot.

-Reagent, in case visual inspection of the spot is not possible (To visualize the spot)

Ascending chromatography: Definition , Principle and Procedure ,Types of chromatography,TLC, Paper chromatography, Thin Layer Chromatography

Types of Chromatography

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