What is Pharmacokinetic models: Basic and uses

- As the movement of drug inside body is complex process, it is necessary to develop a generalize approach to describe, analyse & interpret the data obtained during in vivo drug disposition. For this, various P’ Kinetic models are used.

- P’Kinetic models provide concise means of expressing mathematically or quantitatively the time course of drug throughout the body & compute meaningful pharmacokinetic parameters.

- Selection of model depends upon site & tissue being sampled , frequency of sampling collection  etc.

Uses of Pharmacokinetic models:

-Characterizing the behaviour of drugs in patients. 

-Predicting the conc. of the drug in various body fluids with any dosage regimen.

-Predicting the multiple-dose conc. curves from single dose experiments.
- Calculating the optimum dosage regimen for individual patients.

- Evaluating the risk of toxicity with certain dosage regimens.

- Correlating the risk of toxicity with certain dosage regimens.

  -Evaluating the bioequivalence / bioinequivalence between different formulations of same drug.

  -Estimating the possible drug & / metabolite(s) accumulation in the body.

  -Determining the influence of altered physiology / disease state on drug ADME.

  -Explaining drug interactions.

- There are three approaches to study the p’kinetics of drugs
(A) compartment modeling
(B) non compartment analysis
(C ) physiological modeling

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