Dirty equipment holding time study

DEHT mean Dirty equipment holding time study

-Dirty equipment hold time mean the time between after manufacturing of the product and the cleaning of that equipment.

-Purpose of the study of dirty equipment holding time study is  to establish holding time of dirty equipments by studying Microbial load and effectively removal of residue from equipment for specified period till next batch or next product is taken.

-If Uncleaned equipment hold for longer period of time there may be chance of the microbial growth to define the time period how long equipment can be kept and use. 

-Dirty equipment is harder to clean if hold for the long period of time, There may be chance of  left over of the residue into the equipment.Hence to define the time period how long equipment shall be kept uncleaned.

-Different Guideline suggest to perform dirty equipment holding time study; although any guideline did not describe a process for dirty equipment hold time study.

-After performing the dirty equipment holding time study it need to be document

Holding time study protocol should have following details:
1.    Purpose of the study
2.    Scope
3.    Responsibility
4.    Details of equipment
5.    Sampling plan
6.    Sampling and analysis procedure
7.    Acceptance criteria
8.    Report preparation and evaluation of results
9.    Conclusion

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