Polymer for Bio imaging

Many imaging techniques, such as optical imaging magnetic resonance imaging nuclear imaging and ultrasound have been successfully utilized in clinical application for the past decades. However, there is an urgent need to design new.
Bioimaging probe because of imaging of specific molecular pathway in vivo particularly those that play key role in the disease process is hampered by the poor sensitivity with current low molecular weight imaging compounds.
Recently interdisciplinary research at the interface of polymer chemistry and the bioimaging science has led to the generation of polymer-based bioimaging probes for the diagnosis and treatment of disease. A combination of imaging modality and several biocompatible and/or biodegradable synthetic and natural polymers such as multivalent branched graft and block copolymer, polysaccharides and dendrimers has produced bioimaging probes which have prolong plasma half-lives, enhanced stability, reduced toxicity, and improved target specificity

Polymer for optical imaging

Polymer for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Polymer for nuclear imaging

Polymer for ultra sound imaging 

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