Filter integrity/Filter Leak Test -HVAC Validation in Pharma

  -Filter  integrity test is performed to confirm that the final high efficiency air filter is property installed or not .In this test verified the absence of bypass leakage in the installation ,and that the filter are free fro of defects (small holes and other damages in the filter medium and frame work.) 

  -These tests do not check the efficiency of the system. 

  - The test is performed by using aerosol photometer.

  -The tests are performed by introducing an aerosol challenge upstream of the filters and scanning downstream of the filters and support frame or sampling in a downstream duct.  

-An aerosol shall be generated by blowing compressed air through aerosol  generator at room temperature.

-Set the compressed air supply pressure to aerosol generator at 20 psi minimum.
Make sure that detector is functioning properly by exposing the probe of PAO and wait for alarm.

-Inject the aerosol of PAO in the air stream ahead of pre filter.

-Inject the aerosol at the upstream of the HEPA filter, to produce uniform challenge of PAO in upstream of HEPA filter.

  -Hold the detector approximately 6 inches downstream of filter under test and scan for any leakage.

-Scan the complete area of the filter under test at traverse rate of 10 FPM.

-Detect the leakage in form of the beep (alarm) produced due to PAO sensing during the test.

 - At the end of the test ensure that Photometer is working properly by exposing it to PAO smoke.

-Record the observations in the respective formats

-Acceptance criteria:
Not more than 0.01% penetration of PAO.

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