Barrier technology (Barrier isolator and Restricted access barrier system RABS) in pharma

Nowadays barrier technology is introduced over the traditional cleanroom concept. To manufacture the Aseptic products.
A system designed to segregate people from the product contains Contaminants or segregate two areas, which are the following :

1.Barrier isolator (BI) and
2.Restricted access barrier system (RABS)

Barrier isolator(BI):
 A Barrier isolator is a unit supplied with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtered.
-air that provides uncompromised continuous isolation of its interior from
the external environment, including surrounding clean room air and

Restricted access barrier system (RABS):
- A RABS is a type of barrier system that reduces or eliminates interventions
into the critical zone. In practice, its level of contamination control is less

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