Phospholipid Bilayer structure: Plasma membrane

-The basic component of the plasma membrane is Phospholipid.  About 75 % of the lipid of the plasma membrane is phospholipid. The basic structure of the plasma membrane is Lipid Bilayer which forms the stable barrier between the two sides of the cells. Phospholipid bilayer structure explains by the fluid mosaic model.

The Lipid bilayer is called as because it contains the two back to back layer
Plasma membrane basically made up of protein and lipid.
Phospholipid is the major component of the plasma membrane. Phospholipid makes the cell membrane structure bilayer as it contains both hydrophilic and hydrophobic molecules. Membrane lipids are amphipathic molecules. While
Proteins embedded n the phospholipid bilayer structure.

Plasma membrane contains three types of Lipid

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