Poly ethylene glycol:Polymer

 Poly ethylene glycol (PEG) is hydrophilic non-ionic polyether that has  been shown to exhibit excellent biocompatibility .PEG is non toxic and has approved by the FDA  for internal consumption. Intravenously administered PEG is excreted by the kidney .In aqueous solution, PEG acts as a highly mobile molecule with a large exclusion volume.PEG is a neutral polymer with hydroxyl end groups that weak hydrogen bond acids and weakly basic ether linkage in the backbone.

One of the greatest interests in PEG for drug delivery system is its ability to extend residence time in the body. The mononuclear phagocytic system (MPS) (also known as the reticuloendothelial system)  is encompassed by a range of cells capable of phagocytizes. The primary function of the MPS is to remove the senescent cell from circulation and to provide phagocytic cell for both inflammatory and immune response.

Phagocytosis is a special form of endocytosis in which larger in which large particle are ingested by phagosomes. The immune system recognizes hydrophobic polymer particle ass foreign bodies and thus they are rapidly cleared required then the nanoparticle surface must be modified in order to prevent this rapid clearance. PEG-containing  PLGA nanoparticle has been shown to extend the half-life of  the protein bovine serum albumin on rats from minutes to hours .

Properties of Polymer 
Application of Polymer

Method of studying Polymer Degradation
Characteristic of bioadhesive Polymer 
chitosan Polymer Characteristic and Application  
Biodegradable Polymer
Biodegradation of Polymer

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