Bio degradation of polymers

Definition of Biodegradation of polymers:
Biodegradation of polymer involves the successive chemical reaction such as hydrolysis oxidation /reduction with or without the aid of enzyme in living organism depending on the environmental condition.

Related to biodegradation are biological hydrolysis by hydrolase enzyme and oxidation by oxidoreductase enzyme. The reaction rate by the former route is generally faster than that by the latter route.
The hydrolase enzyme is responsible for the hydrolysis of the ester. Carbonate, amide and glycosidic linkage of the hydrolyzable polymer producing the corresponding low-molecular-weight oligomers. The oxidoreductase enzyme is responsible for the oxidation and reduction of ethylenic, carbonate amide, urethane, etc.
Hydrocarbon such as polyethylene, natural and polyisoprene rubbers lignin and coal are first subjected to biological oxidation by an oxidoreductase, such as hydroxylases, monooxygenases peroxidise and oxidases in the biodegradation process.

Introduction of Polymer
Properties of Polymer 
Application of Polymer
Method of studying Polymer Degradation
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Method of studying Polymer degradation

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