Introduction of polymer

-The polymer is a generic term used to describe very long molecules consisting of structural units and repeating units connected by covalent chemical bonds
Polymers consist of mainly of identical or similar unit joined together.

-The term polymer is derived from the Greek word: polys meaning many and meros meaning parts.

-The unit forming the repetitive pattern is called “mer” or monomer.
-According to the number of a reactive group present in the monomer, they are monofunctional (only one reacting group) e.g: acetic acid, alcohol
Bifunctional: Ethylene glycol, phthalic acid
Trifunctional: e.g glycerine
Tetra functional: divinylbenzene

The term polymer was coined by Jons Jakob Berzelius . Around the same time, Henri Braconnot did pioneering work in derivative cellulose compounds. perhaps the earliest important work in polymer science.
Despite significant advances in the synthesis and characterization of polymers, a proper understanding of polymer molecular structure did not come until the 1920s.

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